Discounts FAQ via Perks



  Why access discounts in the Swag Store?  

Swag exclusively offers discounts with our partner vendors on products and services such as groceries, technology, homewares, movie tickets, personal care and much more. You can make your money go further and save on everyday items and large purchases alike by using the Swag Store.

  The shop timed out when I purchased a gift card. I am not sure if the purchase went through. What do I do?  

You can contact the Swag Spend Account help team via the Swag app:

  1. In the Swag app, tap Perks.
  2. Go to the Support tab.
  3. Tap the Help button.
  4. Tap the Contact Us button.

  I want to return/exchange my gift card. How do I do this?  

Unfortunately, we are unable to process a refund for a gift card.

  Why is my credit card not accepted?  

We only accept MasterCard and Visa at this point. You can only enrol up to 5 cards.

  How do I remove my credit card from the app?  

You can contact the Swag help team via the Swag app:

  1. In the Swag app, tap Discounts.
  2. Go to the Support tab.
  3. Tap the Help button.
  4. Tap the Contact Us button.

  How can I get a refund for a product I have purchased?  

Please contact the merchant. They will be able to process a return or exchange in accordance with their policies.

  How do I spend my Hero Points?  

You can spend your Hero Points on gift cards in the Swag app.

  1. Open the Swag app and navigate to the Perks pillar.
  2. Select a gift card.
  3. If you have a Hero Points balance, Hero Points will be the default payment method. Select ‘Payment details’ to adjust the amount of Hero Points to pay with using the slider feature. The remaining balance can be paid with a credit or debit card.
  4. Swipe to purchase!
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