Loren Mathewson
Which actions can I perform as an admin via Work Payroll
Swag allows you to manage your employment details and finding a job all in one place, but there are some actions that are only currently accessible on your HR software's web platform. Below is a ta...
Which actions can I perform as an employer or manager via Work Payroll
While Swag is a comprehensive app which allows management of your employment details, finding a job, managing your finances, and accessing benefits all in one place, there are some actions that are...
What actions can I perform as an admin via the Swag app
While the Swag app is a comprehensive app which allows admins to conduct many management activities. There are however, some actions that are only currently accessible on the website. Below is a ta...
Configuring open beta FAQ | Work - Payroll-only
Helpful Hint To learn how to configure the open beta, see this article. Questions I have followed all the instructions, but my employees still can’t see the features? Can I have some employee...
I am missing features in Swag. What do I do? | FAQ - Troubleshooting
Swag has all of the same features that you used to use in your HR software and the now-decommissioned WorkZone app. If you are unable to find some features that you used to use, see below for the r...
WorkZone app to Swag app transition | FAQ
Important If you would like to know more about the transition process, see this article for how to configure the open beta to access WorkZone features in Swag, and FAQ about the open beta configur...
Managing Career | FAQ - Career
Warning If you are an individual who is not currently employed, or if you are looking for a new role at a different organisation, then this section applies to you. Career provides users of Swag t...
Why am I receiving emails from Swag Jobs? | Career
System-level emails are automatic emails that are sent to a user when an action is required on their part to move a recruitment process forward. It is not possible to disable system-level email not...
WorkZone to Swag data retention | FAQ
Question Will my existing leave requests, timesheets, payslips etc in the WorkZone app remain in the new Swag app? Answer Yes. All of your existing data in WorkZone will carry over to Swag on 6 Mar...
Push notifications sent from the Swag app
In the Work section of the Swag app, there are several push notifications that will automatically trigger, based on actions undertaken by either the platform or the user. Helpful Hint To read deta...